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John Joseph Hamilton is a screenwriter focused on film and television. Before his acceptance into an MFA-Creative Writing program, he engulfed himself in self-study through online research to hone his screenwriting talent. Referencing professional and expert information, he began screenwriting as a new career utilizing their knowledge to create his own scripts. That blossomed into scripts in multiple media.


Submitting these completed works into writing contests, ensuring constructive feedback from knowledgeable experts to perfect final drafts, is an ongoing goal. He’s decided to use these scripts in his writer’s portfolio showcasing his talent to win representation, a sale or option of a script, and/or a job as a staff writer or reputable film screenwriter. Scripts are in multiple genres including comedy, thrillers, sci-fi, horror, and more, though his favorites are thrillers and comedies. Plus, other scripts for video games and comic books.


I was involved in school clubs to engage and collaborate with other students. Active profiles in various multimedia platforms and writing groups, both online and off, has their own benefits. His desire to pay it forward with involvement in these groups and websites allows him opportunities to write articles and blogs from his unique perspective detailing his journey of being a screenwriter.


Aspirations to be a filmmaker, director and producer are also my main, future goals. Being a songwriter and performing musician for years helped me understand storytelling structure and impact. 


John's contact info is here:



Phone: (520) 252-1739

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